Swaney Group

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The LeverUp™ Initiative

Building the entrepreneurs of tomorrow…today

The American Dream is NOT owning a single family home.
The American Dream is and always has been owning your own business.
We want to build more American entrepreneurs and make it a more viable career path. Unfortunately, there is a cottage industry around selling entrepreneurship courses that add no value. Our goal is to disrupt that model, democratize the information, and mentor people on their path of – what we call – Inorganic Entrepreneurship.
That’s why we founded the LeverUp®️ Initiative

Strategies and implementation of the leverup™ initiative

To turn the ambitious objectives of this program into tangible outcomes, The Swaney Group employs a series of strategic actions and proven implementation methodologies. Here’s how we ensure that our goals translate into real-world inpacts. 

Strategic Investment

We leverage our expertise in financial and strategic investment to provide necessary funding and resources to high potential projects and enterprises. This includes direct investment, partnerships, and  programs specifically  designed to stimulate entrepreneurship. 

Mentorship and expert guidance

Every initiative under our umbrella benefits from direct mentorship from industry leaders and experts within The Swaney Group. This guidance is crucial for navigating market complexities and scaling operations effectively. 


Join pioneering projects that promise not only financial returns but also substantial social and environmental impact. Your investment will support innovative enterprises and technologies poised for growth.


Collaborate with us as a strategic partner. We're looking for organizations and professionals who can bring valuable expertise, resources, or networks to bolster the impact of our initiatives.


If you're leading a project or enterprise that aligns with the goals of LeverUp™ Initiative, apply to be a beneficiary. Gain access to funding, mentorship, and a network of industry leaders.